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Select Publications on Decision Tree Analysis for Lawyers and Mediators

Risk and Rigor: A Lawyer’s Guide to Decision Tree Analysis for Assessing Cases and Advising Clients (DRI Press 2019). (Print edition available on and chapter-by-chapter downloads available without charge at DRI Press at


The Risk and Rigor website:, containing links to video demonstrating applications of concepts in the text as well as other resources relating to decision tree analysis.


“Shaking Decision Trees for Risks and Rewards” (co-authored with Wayne Brazil), Dispute Resolution Magazine (Fall 2015).


“Evaluation and Decision Analysis,” with Dwight Golann, Chapter 8 in D. Golann, ed., Mediating Legal Disputes (American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution, 2009) 145-177.


“Finding Settlements with Numbers, Maps, and Trees,” in The Handbook of Dispute Resolution, M. Moffit and R. Bordone, eds. (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2005) 202-218.


“Decision Analysis as a Method of Evaluating the Trial Alternative,” with David Hoffer, in Mediating Legal Disputes, D. Golann, ed. (Little, Brown & Co., 1996) 307–334.


“The Value of Decision Analysis in Mediation Practice,” in Negotiation Journal 11, 2 (1996) 123–134. Awarded Second Prize for Excellence by CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution.

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